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Drop your dog off before work for a day of fun with other  pampered pooches!

$30 full day

Need to run to town, got an appointment?

$7/hr or portion of

Professional Training our yard or yours

One of the many amazing people we've met through fostering is Rhonda Loewen

from Help me Rhonda dog training. She has very kindly agreed to offer training at a reasonable cost in our space or yours. As you might imagine foster dogs have many issues, Rhonda has been our information superhighway regarding dog behavior since we started. Unquestioned results from a trained professional with many years of experience. Using positive reinforcement techniques Rhonda will help you teach your dog to behave the way you want. She can help your dog overcome seperation anxiety, reactivity and so much more. 



Want something more than a photo? Lindsey's drawing or painting of your pet is sure to be a prized possession. We'll be only too happy to set you up with our amazing artist so you can work out the details so you can commission your own piece of art.


These examples show some of Lyndsey's hand drawn work.   

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