Ricky Bobby in the tickle trunk, Bernie watches

6:30 - 8:00
Dropoffs start and whether meeting old friends or new we’re ready to get this pawty started.
8:00 - 10:30
Tunnels, Puppy Pool, maybe a few minutes in the “Diggers Den” or how about crushing some bubbles! Everything is so much more fun with friends, like the team building favourite- YELLING at Deer through the fence…….it never gets old that Deer yelling thing.
10:30 - 12:00
Nap time/ Snoring competition . Well needed recharge after tripping on our own tongues due to all the fun we’ve been having all morning. Choice of sun or shade, beds or cool grass, we got you. No saving chairs allowed, sorry
12:00 - 2:30
Break off in packs for high speed action or join a group figuring out our enrichment games. Licky mats, brain puzzles, snuffle mats, more than occasional home made baked or frozen treats in the “Bone Shakers Shed”. (Frozen fav’s include watermelon and coconut water)
2:30 - 5:00
We’re not just tired we’re daycare tired. Trying a new bed or an old fav, so many beds so little time. They're probably planning all the stories of the fun they had with their new friends to share with you when you come get them. In case you need some translating we’ll be updating our TikTok page very regularly with your dogs at their kookiest, because as we all know kooky is a happy dogs normal state.
5:00 - next Time
You should expect a bigger smile at Dinner and most certainly an exhausted sleep full of growling and kicking. You are most likely see your dog wake up extra happy and more grateful when informed of their next visit. You should not expect your dog to help pay, dogs are freeloaders.